Our History

The congregation opened its first mission in Brazil in July 1993. At that time, the sisters went to São João da Fronteira in the state of Piaui, at the invitation of Father Lothário Weber. Immediately the first two sisters who went were engaged in the pastoral areas of the parish, along with the areas of health and education. Through the years other sisters arrived and began to work in other areas. These included: teaching in schools, health care clinic, groups of youth and teens, girls boarding, a sewing group, nursery, catechism, child care and others. The sisters came from three countries: India, Germany and the United States.
In 2000, we accepted our first Brazilian candidate. With her the formation work continued to grow and in 2007 we opened a house in Aquiraz , near Fortaleza, so that our young women in formation could be included in the various study programs offered in the city. Today in São João da Fronteira, we have two houses, one of which is the home for our aspirants and the other is a boarding for girls who are from the interior areas of the country and need a place to live while studying in the city. In both houses the pastoral works continue, as well as additional programs such as a feeding program for children, educational/activity programs for children and adolescents and sewing projects that are offered to women to help in generating income for their homes. In 2013 we opened a new house in Sobral, Ceará, where the sisters are involved in Pastoral areas.
In the last years our work continues with new young women who are joining the congregation. Although growth is slow, we now have six Brazilian sisters who have professed their temporary vows and one Brazilian sister in final vows. Currently in formation are three aspirants, three postulants and two novices.