Vocational Accompaniment
The Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ work in vocation ministry, collaborating with diocesan groups as well as accompanying young women who feel a specific interest in our congregation with direction, friendship and opportunities to know us.
The life and charism of our foundress, Blessed Mary Catherine Kasper, are very attractive to Brazilian youth. In her spirit, we recognize that God speaks in a variety of ways. In our requirements, we are flexible regarding education and professional preparation of the person, and open to dialogue with her regarding her interest in religious life and to initiate a discernment process. From our houses in São João da Fronteira, Aquiraz and Sobral, we accompany the young women who wish to explore our community life by means of personal and family visits, group reunions, telephone calls and e-mail.
If a person feels inspired by the charism of Blessed Mary Catherine Kasper, but would like to explore “following in her footsteps” as a lay person, single or married, we invite you to check out our section on “Lay Associates“.
For more information, write us for Vocational Accompaniment.